How to create a campaign?

This feature is only available with the business offer

Step 1:

Log into your Letsignit account anc click on the "Campaigns" tab:

Then, click on "new campaign":

Click on "open in designer" in the new page opened 


Step 2:

You can henceforth modify the banner as you wish, thanks to your new Drag&Drop tool.

Differents options are available such as bringing a text block, social networks, or a disclaimer.

In order to create an efficient banner, do not hesitate to consult our FAQ by clicking here:  


Step 3 :

Once your campaign created, do not forget to click on "Save and Close". Then, tick the box related to collaborators you want the campaign to be assign to.  


Step 4 :

Last step: you have to activate your campaign to complete the process. Click on the green button "activate" on the top right of your screen.

You can also activate your campaigne later if you want to. 

N.B : You are able to assign a priority to your campaign. The one with the higher priority will prevail on the others.

You can also schedule your campagne when you want it to be active and therefore visible.